♥ Order form ♥

Place your order by simply filling up this form. We will attend to your order and get back to you shortly. Submission of the form will be taken as a confirmed order and agreed to the terms and conditions stated.

Thank you for shopping with PoutyGossips! :)
Do note that registered postage is highly recommended!

p/s: If order form does not work, please send your order to our email: poutygossips.sales@gmail.com in the format similar to the form below, with subject heading as ORDER. Thank you!

* -- Required fields


Email Address:*

Contact No.:

Shipping Address:*


Payment mode:*

Item code & Quantity (e.g #0101/ 2):*

Do you wish to join the mailing list? *

How did you know about us? (e.g Facebook,word of mouth, blogshop directories-pls specify, etc)


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